

Jenkins-webapi is a minimal, no-frills, Python module for working with the Jenkins remote access API. Its main selling points are:

  • Support for Python versions 2.6, 2.7 and >=3.3.
  • A comprehensive test suite.
  • A concise and intuitive API.


The latest stable version of jenkins-webapi can be installed from pypi:

$ pip install jenkins-webapi

Alternatively, you may simply place the jenkins.py module anywhere in your load path. Outside of the standard library, jenkins-webapi depends only on the requests http client library.

Quick start

Connecting to Jenkins:

>>> from jenkins import Jenkins, JenkinsError
>>> j = Jenkins('http://server:port', 'username', 'password')

The constructor also accepts the verify and cert arguments which are useful when accessing Jenkins over https. Please refer to the documentation of the the requests library for more information.

Working with jobs:

>>> j.jobs
[Job('master'), Job('develop'), Job('feature-one')]

>>> j.job_exists('master')

>>> j.job_enabled('master')

>>> j.job_info('master')
{'actions': [], 'buildable': False, 'builds': [], ...}

>>> j.job_config('master')
'<?xml version=\1.0\' encoding=\'UTF-8\'?>\n<projects>\n...'

>>> j.job_config_etree('master')
<Element project at 0x7fc4f564ab08>

>>> j.job_disable('master')
>>> j.job_enable('master')

>>> j.job_build('master')
>>> j.job_build('master', {'option': 'value'}, 'token')

>>> j.job_create('new-job', configxml)
>>> j.job_copy('old-job', 'new-job')
>>> j.job_reconfigure('master', configxml)
>>> j.job_reconfigure_etree('master', config_etree)

Working with views:

>>> j.view_create('view-name', configxml)

>>> j.view_exists('view-name')
>>> j.view_delete('view-name')

>>> j.view_config('view-name')
>>> j.view_config_etree('view-name')

>>> j.view_reconfigure('view-name', configxml)
>>> j.view_reconfigure_etree('view-name', config_etree)

>>> j.view_jobs()
>>> j.view_add_job('view-name', 'job-name')
>>> j.view_has_job('view-name', 'job-name')
>>> j.view_remove_job('view-name', 'job-name')

Working with builds:

>>> j.job_builds('master')
[Build(Job('master'), 1)]

>>> j.job_last_build('master')
>>> j.job_last_stable_build('master')
>>> j.job_last_successful_build('master')
[Build(Job('master'), 1)]

>>> j.build_info('master', 1)
{timestamp': 1394313822651, 'result': 'SUCCESS', ...}

>>> j.build_running('master', 1)

>>> j.build_wait()
>>> j.build_wait(interval=5, timeout=60)

Working with nodes:

>>> j.nodes
>>> j.nodenames
>>> j.computer
>>> j.node_create('node-name', '/workdir')

>>> j.node_exists('node-name')
>>> j.node_delete('node-name')

>>> j.node_config('node-name')
>>> j.node_config_etree('node-name')

>>> j.node_info('node-name')

Job objects:

>>> master = j.job('master')
>>> master.name
>>> master.info
>>> master.config
>>> master.config_etree
>>> master.enabled
>>> master.exists
>>> master.builds
>>> master.last_build
>>> master.last_stable_build
>>> master.last_successful_build
>>> master.buildnumbers
>>> master.delete()
>>> master.enable()
>>> master.disable()
>>> master.reconfigure(newconfig)
>>> new_master = Job.copy('master')
>>> new_master.config = new_configxml
>>> new_master.config_etree = new_configetree

View objects:

>>> view = j.view('viewname')
>>> 'job-name' in view
>>> view.add_job(j.job('view'))

Node objects:

>>> node = j.node('nodename')
>>> node.config

Please refer to the auto-generated API documentation for more information.

Similar projects

Jenkins-webapi was written for the jenkins-autojobs project in a time when none of the above libraries offered Python 3k support.


Jenkins-webapi is released under the terms of the Revised BSD License.